Luxy Update — Beta is gone!

After almost two years running live and restlessly working to improve the NFT experience for users, we proudly announce the next step in this journey: Luxy is moving out of beta!
3 min readMay 4, 2023

Throughout this road of development since the platform launch, we have achieved many milestones, such as the $LUXY IDO (our Token even got listed on Bitmart!), launchpad features and versions, scaling our synergy with Syscoin, and going live on Polygon & Ethereum (well-known homes for the NFT ecosystem!) Each one of these events contributed to our development, range increase, wider adoption, and further upgrades.

Let’s keep it clear: all of these milestones were possible because of the trust and support of our community, and we thank all of you guys for being part of this!

Forget about Beta: Now it’s

As Luxy began its journey, we knew we were on for something big. The beta platform launch proved to be a vital stepping stone for us, allowing us to gather valuable feedback from our users and identify areas of the platform that needed attention. Based on users’ opinions and suggestions, we dedicated a significant amount of time to address the issues related to platform instability, bugs, infrastructure, and security — these efforts are periodically published through our Behind the Scenes (BTS) reports. Additionally, a detailed refactoring of Luxy’s architecture was conducted, implementing more automated tests, and enhancing overall robustness. We’re proud to say that our efforts paid off, and we went from experiencing weekly outages to having a stable platform live for several months [and counting!].

We didn’t stop there, though. We kept building and delivered two versions of our launchpad, formed partnerships with projects such as Porsche24, Red Village, and Syscoin Projects (whoa!) and now underwent a complete security audit of the platform. Over the last weeks, the main focus was on addressing points brought up by the audit, and as all of them are completely covered and solved, we are excited to celebrate and share our move out of beta with all of you, who have been with us through this journey!

But don’t mistake yourself: this is just the beginning of what we have planned for Luxy.

We have recently announced a groundbreaking partnership with Sys Labs, and still have big things in store for this year. Luxy is on a mission to revolutionize the NFT world and create a platform that’s both user-friendly and secure. With a lean team running a big platform, it’s inevitable that some things will eventually slip through the cracks, but we’re dedicated to constantly improving Luxy for users and the community. The commitment here is to deliver a top-notch NFT marketplace and make Luxy the go-to platform for creators and collectors alike.

Stay tuned, and thank you for being a part of Luxy’s story.

~The Luxy Team



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